Jack the Ripper Map

1888 Map of Whitechapel & Spitalfields

Map Index

Jack the Ripper map of Spitalfields and Whitechapel 1888, ISBN 978-0-9571990-0-2

Jack the Ripper Map Index

This is the Index to the Jack the Ripper Map Book, and the Full Map of Spitalfields and Whitechapel

It also applies to the map images presented on this site, however, due to the restrictions of webpage size, a lot of the smaller detail can’t be resolved on these pages.

The format of the index locations is: Page number, XY map coordinates; eg; Angel & Crown Public House P35, X48Y33 The page number only applies to the Map Book. If you’re referring to the Full Map, just ignore the page numbers.

Pubs, Clubs, Drinking Establishments etc Doss Houses, Residential Institutions etc
Angel & Crown Public House P35, X48Y33 29 Hanbury Street P24, X35Y50
Angel Public House P40, X43Y22 Cooney’s Common Lodging House P34, X38Y36
Bee Hive Public House P46, X69Y7 Crossinghams #16-19 P29, X24Y38
Bell Public House P29, X40Y37 Crossinghams #35 P29, X21Y39
Bell Public House P39, X22Y22 George Yard Buildings P34, X38Y28
Black Bull Public House, Whitechapel Rd P31, X76Y40 Miller’s Court, Dorset Street P29, X24Y40
Black Swan Public House P24, X33Y50 New Court, Dorset Street P29, X21Y39
Blue Coat Boy Beer Shop P29, X22Y39 Providence Row Night Refuge and Convent P28, X18Y38
Bricklayer’s Arms Beer Shop P41, X69Y22 St. George’s House, George Yard P34, X38Y27
Brittania Public House P29, X25Y39 Victoria Workingmen’s Home P34, X31Y28
Bull Inn Public House P44, X24Y12 Wentworth Model Dwellings P34, X25Y25
Coach & Horses Public House P45, X58Y5 Working Lad’s Institute P32, X89Y44
Commercial Tavern Public House P24, X21Y58 Whitechapel Union Workhouse P26, X72Y53
Cutler’s Arms Public House P38, X9Y21 White House Doss House, Flower & Dean St P34, X38Y36
Dagmar Arms Public House P41, X75Y14
Dolphin Public House P35, X59Y32 Churches, Synagogues, Mission Halls etc
Duke’s Head Public House, Whitechapel Rd P31, X71Y38
Earl of Aberdeen Public House P31, X75Y37 Christ Church Spitalfields P29, X30Y42
Frying Pan Public House P34, X40Y34 Church of St. Mary Matfellon P35, X51Y25
George IV Public House P46, X64Y4 Great Synagogue P43, X13Y10
George & Guy Public House P29, X38Y39 Mission Hall, Hanbury Street P24, X33Y49
Golden Heart Public House P24, X27Y49 Mission Hall, Thrawl Street P34, X38Y32
Grave Maurice Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X90Y44 Mission Hall Court, Thrawl Street P34, X39Y31
Hoop & Grapes Pub, Aldgate High St P44, X28Y11 St Anne’s R.C. Chapel P25, X54Y54
Hoop & Grapes Pub, Widegate St P33, X12Y35 St. Botolph’s Church P43, X18Y10
Horn of Plenty Beer Shop P28, X19Y38 St Jude’s Church P34, X36Y25
Hospital Tavern Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X91Y42 St. Katherine Cree Church P43, X8Y6
Imperial Club, Duke Street P43, X14Y11 St. Mark’s Church, St. Mark’s St P45, X41Y2
International Workingmen’s Club P46, X64Y8 St. Paul’s Church P39, X29Y18
Jewish Club, Hutchinson St P39, X21Y17 Wesleyan Church P29, X37Y44
King’s Arms Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X87Y43
King’s Arms Public House, Whitechapel Rd (2) P35, X53Y29 Cemeteries, Graveyards, Mortuaries
King’s Head Public House P41, X72Y14
Lord Nelson Public House P46, X64Y7 Friends Burial Ground P31, X75Y47
Lord Nelson Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X92Y45 Itchy Park, Christ Church Disused G’yard P29, X30Y40
Nag’s Head Public House, Whitechapel Rd P35, X49Y26 Jew’s Cemetery P27, X85Y60
Northumberland Arms Public House P29, X34Y38 Workhouse Infirmary Mortuary P31, X69Y41
Old George Public House, Whitechapel Rd P35, X55Y27
Old Jewellery Mart Public House, St. James Sq P43, X9Y10 Shops, Factories & Police Stations
Paul’s Head Public House P28, X19Y37
Prince Albert Public House P28, X13Y42 Bell Foundry P35, X58Y28
Princess Alice Public House P34, X33Y28 Bishopsgate St Police Station P33, X4Y33
Queen’s Head Public House P29, X28Y38 Black Eagle Brewery P24, X86Y48
Queen’s Head Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X94Y46 Brown’s Stable Yard P32, X86Y48
Red Lion Beer Shop P29, X27Y45 Chocolate Factory P34, X40Y31
Red Lion Public House, Batty St P46, X67Y10 Commercial St Police Station P23, X18Y59
Red Lion Public House, Whitechapel Rd P31, X79Y41 Essex Wharf P27, X85Y49
Red Lion & Spread Eagle Public House P40, X41Y21 Harrison & Barber’s Slaughter Yard P32, X89Y47
Roebuck Public House P27, X92Y51 Heseltine, Kearley & Tonge P43, X12Y9
Seven Stars Public House P29, X38Y41 Heydemann & Co P43, X13Y7
Sir John Foster Public House P38, X12Y16 Horner & Co P43, X13Y8
St. Mary Distillery Pub, Whitechapel Rd P35, X47Y25 Leman Street Police Station P45, X45Y3
Star Public House P47, X98Y3 London Dispensary P29, X33Y44
Star & Garter Public House, Whitechapel Rd P32, X81Y42 Manure Works P27, X87Y55
Ten Bells Public House P29, X27Y44 McCarthy’s Shop P29, X24Y39
Three Cranes Public House P29, X39Y38 Matthew Packer’s Fruit Shop P46, X64Y8
Three Nuns Public House P44, X21Y10 Henry Phillip’s Warehouse P39, X24Y13
Three Tuns Public House, Jewry St P43, X18Y5 Barnettt Price’s Grocery Shop P29, X21Y38
Three Tuns Public House, Somerset St P44, X29Y12 Sugar Refinery, Whitechapel Rd P36, X64Y31
Weaver’s Arms Public House P24, X32Y50 Taylor’s Picture Framing Shop P43, X11Y8
White Hart Public House P40, X42Y21 Tobacco Factory P24, X28Y50
White Swan Public House P39, X34Y15 William’s & Co Wool Warehouse P27, X89Y50
Ye Olde Blue Anchor Public House P36, X63Y34 L.P. Walter & Son P29, X37Y42
Aldgate Station, Aldgate P44, X22Y11
Aldgate East Station P39, X29Y14
Board School, Berner St P46, X63Y11
Buck’s Row Board School P32, X84Y47
Garrick Theatre P45, X44Y3
Dr. Ralph Rees Llewellyn’s Surgery P32, X94Y46
East London Theatre, Whitechapel Rd P36, X66Y33
Feldman’s Post Office, Whitechapel Rd P40, X47Y24
Fire Station, Commercial Rd P40, X48Y17
Goulston St Baths & Washhouses P39, X28Y21
L&NM Railway P44, X24Y7
London Board School, Fairclough St P46, X65Y8
London Hospital P32, X87Y39ish
London Hospital Medical College P37, X84Y33
New Cottage P32, X86Y48
Pavilion Theatre, Whitechapel Road P31, X73Y39
PC Pearce’s House P43, X11Y9
Peabody Buildings P24, X23Y53
Royal Cambridge Music Hall P24, X24Y56
Salvation Army Shelter, Whitechapel Rd P35, X56Y27
St. Mary’s Station P36, X67Y33
Toynbee Hall P34, X36Y27
Whitechapel Underground Station P32, X88Y44
Working Lad’s Institute P32, X89Y44
Acorn Street P28, X3Y47 to X7Y46 Albert Street P25, X56Y49 to Y58
Aldgate P43, X14Y5 to X17Y7 Aldgate High Street P44, X21Y9 to X28Y12
Alie Place P44, X39Y7 to X40Y5 Angel Alley P28, X3Y44 to X6Y43
Angel Alley P34, X40Y29 to P35, X42Y25 Ann’s Place P34, X29Y29 to X29Y30
Anthony Street P47, X91Y12 to X89Y3 Artillery Lane P28, X6Y37 to X13Y38
Artillery Street P28, X14Y38 to X16Y37 Artizan Street P38, X13Y21 to X16Y19
Back Church Lane P40, X60Y14 to P45, X58Y1 Back Gravel Lane P38, X13Y21 to X16Y18
Baker’s Row P26, X69Y60 to P31, X75Y39 Barber’s Yard P24, X36Y50 to X36Y52
Barnett Street P47, X83Y12 Batty Street P41, X67Y14 to P46, X67Y8
Batty’s Gardens P45, X60Y9 to P46, X64Y10 Bedford Square P37, X99Y28 to X99Y25
Bedford Street P37, X98Y33 to P42, X99Y18 Bell Lane P33, X19Y36 to P34, X23Y27
Berner Street P41, X64Y14 to P46, X65Y2 Bevis Marks P38, X1Y21 to X9Y14
Billiter Street P43, X2Y6 to X3Y1 Bishopsgate Buildings P28, X1Y38 to X4Y37
Bishopsgate Street Without P23, X11Y60 to P33, X1Y29 Black Eagle Street P24, X33Y54 to X37Y54
Black Horse Yard P39, X25Y15 to X26Y13 Black Lion Yard P35, X53Y34 to X56Y31
Blossom Street P23, X15Y60 to X13Y54 Boar’s Head Yard P39, X28Y15 to XY
Booth Street P29, X38Y46 to P30, X47Y46 Boyd Street P45, X58Y3 to P46, X64Y4
Brady Street P27, X94Y49 to P32, X95Y46 Brick Lane P24, X38Y60 to P35, X43Y31
Brunswick Place P45, X58Y11 to X59Y11 Brunswick Street P46, X68Y7 to X68Y2
Brushfield Street P28, X7Y40 to P29, X25Y42 Buckle Street P40, X43Y13 to P45, X42Y12
Buck’s Row P27, X92Y51 to P31, X79Y45 Bull Court P33, X18Y25 to X19Y26
Bull Inn Yard P39, X23Y14 to P44, X24Y12 Bull Stake Court P40, X45Y20 to X45Y19
Buross Street P47, X94Y12 to X93Y5 Bury Street P38, X7Y15 to P43, X4Y10
Butler Street P34, X21Y34 to X26Y35 Buxton Street P25, X41Y60 to X69Y58
Cannon Place P32, X98Y44 to X99Y42 Cannon Street Road P41, X79Y14 to P47, X82Y1
Caroline Place P31, X72Y44 Carter Street P24, X38Y55 to X44Y55
Casson Street P30, X51Y42 to P35, X53Y35 Castle Alley P39, X29Y22 to X33Y17
Castle Court P34, X29Y26 Catherine Wheel Alley P33, X7Y34 to X11Y32
Charles Street P41, X62Y19 to X65Y19 Charlotte Court P36, X68Y30 to X72Y32
Charlotte Street P36, X66Y29 to X76Y31 Cherry Tree Passage P45, X55Y7 to X57Y7
Chicksand Street P30, X45Y38 to X52Y40 Christian Street P41, X70Y14 to P46, X70Y1
Church Lane P40, X48Y22 to X51Y17 Church Passage, Spitalfields P23, X18Y49 to X18Y52
Church Passage P43, X13Y9 to X14Y10 Church Row, Aldgate P43, X17Y12 to X20Y10
Church Street P29, X27Y43 to X37Y43 Cobb’s Yard P33, X17Y27 to X20Y28
Cock Hill P32, X10Y31 Colchester Street P40, X41Y13 to X49Y19
Collingwood Street P27, X97Y55 to X95Y60 Commercial Road P39, X39Y17 to P42, X100Y13
Commercial Street P23, X18Y60 to P39, X37Y19 Corbet’s Court P24, X28Y50 to X27Y53
Cotton Street P32, X95Y39 to P37, X96Y34 Court Street P32, X82Y42 to X81Y44
Cox’s Square P33, X18Y30 to X20Y29 Cree Church Lane P43, X7Y6 to X7Y8
Crispin Street P28, X20Y48 to X18Y37 Cross Street P31, X78Y47 to X79Y48
Crown Place P39, X22Y14 to P44, X23Y12 Cutler Street P38, X8Y20 to X10Y22
Dale’s Place P34, X37Y35 to X38Y35 Daniel’s Buildings P33, X17Y31
Darling Row P27, X97Y54 to X100Y55 Deal Street P25, X56Y50 to P30, X57Y46
Devonshire Place P32, X85Y46 to X86Y44 Devonshire Street P47, X100Y12 to X99Y4
Dorset Street P28, X19Y38 to P29, X26Y39 Drum Yard P40, X43Y19 to X44Y18
Duke Street P28, X11Y38 to X11Y46 Duke Street, Aldgate P38, X12Y14 to P43, X17Y7
Duncan Street P44, X37Y9 to X40Y11 Dunk Street P30, X56Y45 to X58Y37
Dunnings Alley P28, X1Y41 to X5Y40 Dutfield’s Yard P46, X63Y8
Eagle Place P31, X68Y43 to X69Y41 Easington Buildings P35, X51Y32 to X52Y31
East Mount Street P32, X91Y42 to X93Y34 Elder Street P23, X16Y54 to X18Y60
Elizabeth Place P26, X78Y49 to X78Y50 Ellen Street P45, X58Y1 to P46, X69Y2
Ellison Street P39, X21Y18 to X22Y19 Ely Place P30, X48Y38 to P35, X48Y36
Ely Place (2) P31, X61Y42 to X64Y43 Everard Street P45, X58Y2 to P46, X64Y3
Fairclough Street P45, X58Y8 to P46, X72Y8 Fashion Court P29, X34Y37 to X34Y36
Fashion Street P29, X28Y37 to X39Y38 Fieldgate Street P35, X58Y29 to P36, X66Y29
Finch Street P34, X43Y33 to X52Y36 Fisher’s Alley P33, X16Y28
Fleur De Lis Street P23, X14Y58 to X19Y58 Flower & Dean Street P34, X29Y35 to X39Y36
Fordham Street P41, X69Y22 to X77Y23 Fort Street P28, X14Y46 to X17Y48
Foster Street P27, X95Y54 to X94Y58 Fountain Court P44, X23Y3 to X25Y3
Frederick Place P42, X97Y22 to X98Y18 Freeman Street P34, X22Y32 to X26Y33
Friendly Buildings P45, X56Y6 Frostic Place P34, X45Y32 to X44Y33
Frying Pan Alley P33, X14Y34 to X18Y35 George Street P34, X35Y35 to X37Y30
George Yard P34, X38Y29 to P40, X42Y21 Gloucester Buildings P45, X58Y4 to P46, X61Y4
Goodman’s Stile P40, X49Y14 to X51Y15 Goring Street P38, X7Y17 to X8Y18
Goulston Street P34, X23Y26 to P39, X30Y15 Gower’s Walk P40, X54Y15 to P45, X55Y1
Gravel Lane P38, X14Y14 to X17Y17 Gray Street P42, X95Y22 to X96Y18
Great Alie Street P44, X32Y5 to P45, X42Y9 Great Garden Street P30, X54Y45 to P35, X59Y32
Great Pearl Street P24, X22Y58 to X31Y57 Green Dragon Place P35, X47Y31 to X49Y26
Green Street P36, X77Y33 to P37, X82Y35 Greenfield Street P36, X64Y28 to P41, X66Y16
Grey Eagle Street P24, X30Y53 to X32Y60 Grove Street P41, X72Y14 to P46, X73Y1
Gun Square P38, X16Y14 Gun Street P28, X16Y46 to X15Y38
Half Moon Passage P39, X34Y14 to P44, X37Y9 Half Moon Street P28, X1Y37 to P33, X3Y36
Halifax Street P30, X52Y40 to X60Y42 Hampshire Court P36, X67Y33 to X68Y32
Hampshire Court P46, X65Y10 to X67Y10 Hanbury Street P24, X28Y49 to P31, X72Y46
Hanover Court P43, X16Y9 to X17Y8 Harriott Place P29, X31Y39
Harrow Alley P33, X16Y26 to P38, X13Y22 Harrow Alley, Aldgate P44, X25Y10 to X28Y7
Heneage Lane P38, X9Y13 to P43, X6Y9 Heneage Street P29, X39Y40 to P30, X51Y43
Holloway Street P40, X57Y19 to X60Y19 Hope Street P35, X50Y33 to X49Y35
Houndsditch P38, X1Y24 to P43, X18Y9 Hungerford Street P47, X96Y12 to X95Y4
Hunt Street P25, X48Y52 to X48Y59 Hutchinson’s Avenue P38, X19Y17 to P39, X21Y15
Hutchinson Street P39, X21Y18 to X23Y18 Irish Court P44, X30Y12 to X32Y11
James Court P43, X6Y9 to X6Y11 James Street P46, X73Y5 to X80Y5
Jane Street P47, X88Y12 to X87Y3 Jewry Street P43, X18Y1 to X17Y6
John Street, Spitalfields P24, X31Y50 to X32Y54 John Street P40, X51Y18 to X55Y19
Johnson’s Court P45, X46Y4 to X50Y5 Joseph Street P47, X81Y10 to X83Y10
Kent & Essex Yard P39, X35Y19 Kinder Street P47, X84Y12 to X83Y7
King Edward Street P30, X59Y46 to X59Y39 King Street P43, X7Y9 to X9Y11
King’s Arms Court P35, X51Y33 to X52Y31 Lamb Alley P28, X1Y43 to X5Y42
Lamb Street P23, X18Y49 to X25Y49 Lambeth Street P40, X49Y13 to P45, X52Y1
Lardner’s Buildings P33, X17Y30 to X18Y29 Leadenhall Street P43, X1Y7 to X12Y5
Leman Street P39, X38Y16 to P45, X47Y1 Lisbon Street P27, X97Y54 to X100Y53
Little Alie Street P40, X47Y13 to P45, X43Y9 Little Ann Street P47, X92Y4 to X92Y2
Little Halifax Street P30, X51Y39 to X51Y37 Little John Street P30, X50Y38
Little Paternoster Row P28, X20Y40 to X20Y39 Little Pearl Street P24, X25Y53 to X26Y57
Little Somerset Street P44, X28Y6 to X30Y7 Little Turner Street P47, X82Y12 to X82Y8
Lower Chapman Street P47, X82Y3 to X98Y2 Lower Fenton Street P47, X90Y5 to X94Y5
Luntley Place P30, X46Y38 to P35, X47Y35 Mansell Street P44, X32Y1 to X31Y7
Middlesex Street P38, X19Y24 to P39, X28Y14 Miller’s Court, Dorset Street P29, X24Y39 to X24Y40
Minories P44, X22Y1 to X21Y7 Mitre Square P43, X12Y8
Mitre Street P43, X8Y9 to X14Y6 Montague Place P34, X49Y31
Montague Street P34, X21Y28 to X22Y28 Morris Street P47, X98Y3 to X99Y1
Moss’ Buildings P31, X62Y37 to X63Y38 Mount Place P31, X76Y37 to X80Y39
Mount Street P36, X77Y35 to P37, X81Y36 Mountford Street P40, X52Y21 to X55Y23
Mulberry Street P40, X59Y24 to X60Y16 Mundy’s Place P45, X56Y8 to X58Y8
Myrdle Street P36, X73Y29 to P41, X74Y16 Nag’s Yard P35, X48Y26 to X48Y27
Nelson Court P29, X35Y37 Nelson Court, Whitechapel P32, X90Y48 to X92Y45
Nelson Street P39, X38Y13 to X39Y13 Nelson Street P41, X79Y18 to P42, X99Y17
New Castle Place P34, X30Y25 to P39, X33Y21 New Castle Street P39, X30Y23 to X34Y17
New Court, Dorset Street P29, X21Y39 New Court, Fashion Street P34, X30Y36 to X33Y36
New Goulston Street P39, X21Y22 to X24Y23 New Road P36, X75Y36 to P41X79Y16
New Street, Aldgate P38, X18Y18 to X20Y18 New Street, Spitalfields P33, X2Y31 to X9Y31
New Street, Spitalfields P33, X19Y27 to X20Y26 New Street, Whitechapel P36, X78Y28 to P37, X98Y31
New Street, Whitechapel P36, X62Y28 to X64Y19 Newnham’s Place P28, X5Y44 to X6Y44
Newnham Street P44, X36Y1 to X40Y2 Norfolk Street P27, X99Y55 to X97Y60
Norman Street P41, X77Y14 to P46, X76Y5 North Place P25, X57Y60 to P26, X61Y59
Nottingham Place P36, X70Y29 to P41, X71Y23 Old Castle Street P34, X27Y27 to P39, X29Y23
Old Montague Street P35, X44Y31 to P31, X72Y45 Osborn Place P30, X41Y37 to X46Y38
Osborn Street P35, X43Y30 to X46Y25 Oxford Street P36, X77Y31 to P37, X98Y34
Palmer Street P34, X23Y31 to X27Y32 Parfett Street P41, X71Y22 to X72Y16
Pelham Street P24, X38Y53 to P26, X63Y51 Philpot Street P37, X90Y29 to P42, X93Y15
Plough Court P40, X42Y18 Plough Square P40, X44Y13 to X45Y13
Plough Street P40, X43Y15 to X44Y14 Plumber’s Row P35, X59Y28 to P41, X63Y16
Pratt’s Alley P32, X92Y48 Primrose Street, Spitalfields P23, X3Y51 to X7Y50
Princelet Street P29, X31Y46 to X37Y46 Prince’s Place P31, X66Y41
Providence Place P38, X20Y19 to P39, X21Y20 Providence Street P46, X66Y7 to X66Y2
Queen Ann Street P26, X79Y54 to P31, X80Y46 Queen Street P26, X66Y50 to P31, X66Y42
Raven Row P33, X16Y36 to X18Y36 Raven Row, Whitechapel P32, X93Y39 to X100Y42
Raven Street P32, X97Y40 to P37, X99Y34 Red Lion Court P29, X27Y45 to X30Y45
Richard Street P47, X86Y12 to X84Y4 Rosemary Court P29, X36Y37
Rupert Street P45, X46Y10 to X50Y1 Rutland Street P36, X78Y25 to P37, X98Y28
Salter Street P47, X81Y7 to X83Y7 Sander Street P46, X61Y12 to X63Y12
Sandy’s Row P33, X13Y35 to X16Y27 Sandy’s Street, Spitalfields P33, X9Y34 to X9Y35
Selby Street P26, X68Y60 to X74Y60 Settles Street P36, X68Y28 to X69Y16
Shepherd Street P34, X26Y36 to X27Y30 Short Street, Spitalfields P33, X20Y29 to X21Y26
Silver Street P25, X49Y51 to P30, X49Y48 Sion Square P40, X56Y23 to X58Y24
Size Yard P35, X50Y30 to X51Y29 Skinner Street P23, X2Y49 to P28, X7Y48
Smith’s Place P47, X94Y4 to X94Y2 Somerset Court P44, X29Y7
Somerset Street P44, X31Y7 to X29Y12 South Street P29, X23Y43
South Street, Whitechapel P32, X96Y44 to X97Y41 Spectacle Alley P40, X46Y21 to X48Y21
Spelman Street P30, X49Y39 to X48Y48 Spital Square P23, X10Y50 to X17Y49
Spital Street P25, X45Y50 to X46Y59 Spitalfields Market P29, X21Y47 to X25Y43
Spital Yard P23, X9Y49 to X9Y50 Spread Eagle Yard P39, X39Y22 to X40Y21
Spring Gardens P31, X61Y41 to X65Y43 St. James Place P43, X10Y11
St. Mark’s Street P44, X40Y1 to X40Y4 St. Mary Street P31, X63Y39 to P36, X66Y35
Star Place P47, X96Y4 to X97Y4 Star Street P47, X99Y12 to X98Y4
Steward Street P28, X13Y49 to X14Y45 Stoney Lane P38, X16Y19 to X19Y22
Sugar Baker’s Yard P43, X8Y10 to X9Y9 Sugarloaf Court P43, X5Y5 to X5Y3
Sugarloaf Court P34, X34Y31 to X36Y31 Sun Court P39, X22Y13 to P44, X22Y12
Sun Street P28, X1Y42 to X5Y41 Sweet Apple Court P28, X1Y39 to X4Y38
Tenter Street P34, X23Y30 to X21Y35 Tenter Street East P45, X41Y5 to X44Y1
Tenter Street North P44, X35Y3 to X39Y5 Tewkesbury Buildings P39, X38Y22 to X39Y20
Tewson’s Court P33, X16Y31 to X16Y30 Thomas Passage P27, X90Y58 to X92Y59
Thomas Street P26, X71Y50 to P31, X80Y41 Thrawl Street P34, X30Y32 to X41Y33
Tilley Street P34, X24Y30 to X27Y30 Tripe Yard P33, X15Y29 to X18Y30
Turner Street P32, X81Y39 to P42, X86Y15 Umberston Street P41, X75Y14 to P46, X75Y5
Underwood Street P25, X57Y56 to X69Y56 Union Court P29, X34Y39 to X37Y39
Union Street P35, X53Y26 to P40, X57Y17 Upper Fenton Street P47, X92Y12 to X91Y5
Varden Street P41, X79Y20 to P42, X99Y23 Vine Court P36, X69Y33 to X72Y34
Vine Yard P24, X24Y56 to X26Y56 Walden Street P41, X79Y23 to P42, X90Y24
Webb’s Place P45, X55Y8 Wellington Street P27, X94Y53 to X92Y58
Wentworth Court East P34, X28Y29 Wentworth Street P38, X19Y24 to P35, X43Y30
Wheler Street P24, X21Y49 to X22Y60 White Lion Street, Spit. P23, X9Y55 to P24, X24Y52
White Swan Yard P39, X35Y15 to X36Y13 Whitechapel High Street P39, X31Y14 to X40Y19
Whitechapel Road P35, X51Y26 to P32, X100Y47 White’s Row P31, X75Y42 to X78Y44
White’s Row, Spitalfields P29, X26Y37 to P23, X19Y36 White Street P38, X9Y23 to X12Y21
Widegate Street P33, X6Y36 to X15Y36 Wilkes Street P24, X32Y55 to X34Y60
William’s Rents P45, X57Y9 to X59Y10 Windsor Street P33, X9Y34 to X11Y33
Winthrop Mews P32, X93Y48 Winthrop Street P27, X93Y49 to P32, X84Y46
Wood Street P29, X31Y43 to X31Y48 Wood’s Buildings P32, X85Y46 to X86Y43
Worship Street, Spitalfields P23, X6Y58 to X8Y57
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